Brett Haden


Brett Haden is a native of Clay Center. After receiving an associate degree in electrical technology from North Central Kansas Technical College, he returned to work in Clay Center.  In addition to being a licensed electrician, Brett farms and run a cow/calf operation. His involvement in the construction industry has familiarized him with a wide range of properties in the Clay Center community. 

Whether you’re looking to buy or sell, Brett is a hands on type of guy who would love to help you.

Brett Haden


Brett Haden is a native of Clay Center.  After receiving an associate degree in electrical technology from North Central Kansas Technical College, he returned to work in Clay Center.  In addition to being a licensed electrician, Brett farms and run a cow/calf operation. His involvement in the construction industry has familiarized him with a wide range of properties in the Clay Center community. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell, Brett is a hands on type of guy who would love to help you.